USDA New Farmer Website


With the average age of a US farmer now over 58 years old, the USDA is actively seeking highly motivated, bright and interconnected people to enter agriculture. The USDA has a site to help newcomers plan, develop and integrate successfully through various programs, training opportunities and grants. The site,, thoroughly addresses the processes involved. Wanting to be outside or to avoid a desk job is not nearly enough. Entering the agricultural field involves a change of lifestyle for the whole family, long hours, the patience to become a do-it-yourselfer, and a willingness to wait for financial success.

For example, if interested in poultry, the first step in making a workable plan is deciding what part of the industry is best for you: turkeys or chickens, broilers or breeders or eggs. Next comes finding a company who will purchase your product. Other considerations are emergency plans for disaster, drought, disease, as well as legal issues such as a business name, obtaining a tax ID, and deciding on whether or not to become a corporation. The good news is the website provides a “Discovery Tool” that can help compile a more personalized listing of resources for information and possible assistance in ticking off the items on the checklist to prepare for your foray into the world of agriculture

Turn your dream into a plan and your plan into the life you want live. Visit the site and get started today!